Finding your word for 2021 (meditation link inside)
Finding your word doesn’t involve figuring out on an analytical level what you want to achieve and reverse engineering it back to come up with a word that gets you there. It’s actually the other way round.
Just begin by asking the question: What’s my word? That simple question is the first step in getting you closer.
Then, get to a heart-centered space, by finding a quiet moment, in which I read a list of words. Just notice if a word or two pop out. Write them down, play with them in your mind for a couple of days. And if none of them speak to you today, don’t worry. Go for a walk, workout, run, read, do a tarot reading, vacuum, cook, bake but stay open and curious. I promise, your word will show up out of nowhere and you’ll say: “Well hello there! You’re what I’ve been waiting for!”

To help with this process I recorded this little mini meditation in which I read a list of words. Just notice if a word or two pop out. Write them down, play with it in your mind for a couple of days. And if none of them speak to you today, don’t worry. Go for a walk, workout, run, read, do a tarot reading, vacuum, cook, bake but stay open and curious. I promise, your word will show up out of nowhere and you’ll say: “Well hello there! You’re what I’ve been waiting for!”
The meditation is just under 8 min long. The music is Preparation Pulse by Byron Metcalf.